Sunday, 15 February 2015

What type of person are you II Quiz

What type of person are you II Quiz

You will need to remember your answer for each question.

1. How many good friends do you have?

A. A small but close circle
C. A couple

2. How do you normally Spend your free time?

A. Listening to music / texting friends
B. Hanging with my friends face-to-face
C. Chilling in my room

3. if you had the choice, Which of these would you wear to school?

A. Jeans and a t-shirt - Most probably from new look etc.
B. My new dress and a shed load of make up.
C. I'm not really bothered.

4. Do you like group work?
A. Only when i'm with my friends.
B. YES, then i don't have to do all (any) of the work.
C. No i hate it.

5.  Do you usually buy new clothes every MONTH

A. yeah just a few things that i need.
B. BISH WHET? I buy 12 pairs of shoes a week!!
C. Nahhh my mum shops for me.

Do you own a smart phone?

A. Yeah i've got a second hand iphone
B. Yep, iphone 6 +
C. Yeah but its an old android, does the job- i'm not bothered.


Count up your score:

Mostly A:
The Normal gal.
You know how much is too much. You always work well in a team. You know everyone in your friendship group really well.

Mostly B:
The Queen Bee.
You generally want to be the centre of attention and have lots of friends. You spend most of your time out and and about with your friends. Be careful in the future if you like to spend alot.

Mostly c:
The shy one.
Your happy with a couple of close friends to keep you company and like to think yourself. You don't like being in a group as talking to strangers is sometimes daunting.

Thanks for reading :) 
Zoe xx